KZYR - The Zephyr

Zephyr VFAC: Friday 5:00 - 7:00

Written by Gary Schwedt | Mar 26, 2020 3:22:13 PM

Tune into the Zephyr from 5p - 7p on Friday to virtually hang out with friends at the Zephyr FAC.

Grab your favorite cocktail, your laptop and your radio this Friday and listen to some great music, see what your friends and neighbors are up to and if you are able to put a little jing into their virtual jars. Listen on 97.7 KZYR or on and watch live on the KZYR Facebook page

Here is the fantastic lineup!

Joe Bianchi & Terry Armistead from The Turntable Revue

From: 5:00 pm - 5:35


Mauricio Cadavid

From: 5:40 - 6:15


Dave Tucker

From 6:20 - 7:00

@DaveTuckerMusic                     Venmo: @Dave-Tucker-3

Let's support our local Artists!